I didn't want to send any signal - because I could not remember what I had done, and was afraid for sideeffects (I did remember that the logic had to do with database actions).
I wanted to see the command without "messing" with the execution in any way - after all, it was running fine for 6 months, why interrupt it (and face potential effort in fixing messed up state) if I could see the command "from the outside"?
C-z is actually your friend here. I've never ever seen SIGSTOP affect anything negatively. I even SIGSTOP Mac OS X apps sometimes. They just beachball until you SIGCONT them, then they happily continue, oblivious.
If you're worried about timing out of the process being unresponsive, just C-z and then "bg" real quick. Then you can up arrow at your leisure and "fg" when you've copied the command away...
zsh does the right thing, when you bg it back it recovers the loop as it was.
Bash seems to forget about the loop and only recovers the "sleep 1", when it starts executing again it sleeps 1 and exits.
If you want to make sure it will work you should wrap it around another bash:
I wanted to see the command without "messing" with the execution in any way - after all, it was running fine for 6 months, why interrupt it (and face potential effort in fixing messed up state) if I could see the command "from the outside"?
And that I did :-)