Hamas won the elections in Gaza, which were supervised by Israel and the United States. Israel is also committed to the destruction of Gaza it would seem, by bombs, and the colonization of the West Bank.
Remember Israel kicked Palestineans out of their homes during the 1948 war, simply appopriated their property and didn't allow them to return by passing an absentee landlord law.
Hamas did win the elections in 06 - I followed them and they won on a platform of promising better social programs thantheir opponents.
That was um - 8 years ago. In the immediate aftermath their actions drew sanctions from the US, EU, UN and Russia, on the entire Palestinian Authority, and they wound up splitting from the unified government and taking over Gaza. That led to the sanctions being lifted against the PA and imposed on Gaza alone. Then they had a civil war with Fatah over control of Gaza (which to be fair was just as much if not more Fatah's initiative) and wound up killing and expelling the rival Fatah government members from Gaza entirely. After this, a blockade was imposed on Gaza by both Israel and Egypt, as Hamas secured its iron grip on Gaza and routinely affirmed its ideological goal to "liberate" Palestine from the Zionists - a completely impractical diplomatic position that harmed the Gaza population enormously for the next decade.
Not that Hamas was too concerned about that. They were getting funding from Islamic states and went to work securing the Gaza strip and consolidating its power. To its credit, Gaza is tribal (the clans are called Hamullas) and it plunged into anarchy in the aftermath of Israeli withdrawal and resettlement of all Israelis from the Gaza strip. You can appreciate the situation preceding these elections by reading some news articles from the time:
It is in this environment that Hamas, an organization committed to an ideology that it placed above the lives of Israelis and indeed Gazans - came to prominence. Since that election there have been no fair and free elections. I don't think the mark of a democracy is that they have one election and the majority party drive out the rest of the government and maintain an iron grip for the next couple decades. They are closer to the Kim regime in North Korea. Hamas's governancd has been terrible for the Gazans by perpetuating their blockade, and Hamas itself has become almost completely internationally isolated. In this latest war, an unprecedented number of nations including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE have joined the chorus calling for their disarmament.
So I would take issue with the idea that Hamas is somehow a legitimate and good government for the people of Gaza. Before this war, most of them wanted to get rid of Hamas! Having said that, operations like this cause people to support Hamas who they now would elect over Fatah leaders if elections were held today. This itself is sad because as has been shown over and over Hamas perpetuates the suffering of Palestinians. Not just because of international sanctions and nearbcomplete isolation, and not just because of expanding Sunni Sharia which hurts less Islamically religious Palestinians including Christians, etc. but at the root because they put their ideology ahead of human lives. Any ideology in power - whether nazism, communism, or in this case a fanatical belief that "All Palestine is a waqf to Islam until the end of the world" which is in their charter - leads to mass death. After all technically speaking Hitler may have been democratically elected. So we should guard against this.
Having said that, I think Revisionist Zionism is the ideology that empowers the radicals on the Palestinian side, whether religious or not. Not all Zionism but Revisionist zionism, which traces its roots to Jabotinsky but ultimately found expression in such groups as Lehi and Irgun. Menachem Begin was despised by the main leaders of Israel such as Ben Gurion and the entire Labor party. It is interesting to note that at that time Israel was within the "1967 lines" and got even more threats from various Arab countries, that said they shouldn't have a state at all. Besides launching actul military attacks against Israel, many Arab countries also expelled Jews (a sort of Jewish Nakba, the main difference being that Jews had a state that welcomed them, a state which the Arab League nations wanted to destroy without regard to how many people lived in it).
Not many people talk about this but the expelled Jews were able to find a home in Israel and swell its population. In fact most Jews in Israel came to Israel as refugees - whether from the Holocaust in Europe or the expulsion from Arab countries BEFORE 1967. Some went to Israel, others went to the US, China and Western countries. They were able to get asylum and their children have become citizens!
Meanwhile millions of Palestinian refugees do not get the same treatment, even and especially from the Arab League countries that are supposedly championing their "cause" to begin with!
Their actual treatment by these countries is appalling. Did you know that over half of the people considered "Palestinian" live OUTSIDE Israel, te West Bank and Gaza? For GENERATIONS they have lived as refugees with NO citizenship. Think about that - you live in a segregated "refugee camp" and barred (in countries such as Lebanon) from owning property or holding many jobs (doctor, lawyer etc.) Your children born in the land - no matter how many generations - do not get citizenship and spend their lives in the same situation.
This is ACTUAL apartheid and it has been artificially perpetuated by many Arab League countries, while claiming it is for their own good. It's not a joke, the Jordanian govt has consistently said this as a talking point as recently as in the last decade. They refuse to give asylum specifically to Palestinians - even the ones fleeing the civil war in Syria. They simply drive them back over the border (whatever the UN conventions about that may be.
There is an element of realpolitik here that most Western "free Gaza" protestors miss. Arab countries HAVE tried to take in Palestinians but experienced their own problems with the PLO. This idea that Palestinians should have their own state has played out in more theaters than Israel. The Jordanian government had a civil war with the PLO after it annexed the West Bank and it does not want to go back to that dark time again. Kuwait expelled Palestinians because the PLO sided with Saddam in the Gulf war. Lebanon's Hezbollah formed out of a Shiite minority funded by Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran as much against the influx of Sunni Palestinians (the PLO was based IN Lebanon at the time) as the Israeli army's activities in Lebanon. And just as recently as last year, Assad committed genuine war crimes against his Palestinian population living in refugee camps, such as cutting off food and starving tens of thousand of Palestinians in a camp that used to be the largest one in Syria with hundreds of thousands.
So instead of the neatly packaged narrative of "Israel vs Palestinians" look at it as people, governments and ideas. How many millions of people and their generations of children living in Arab countries have to suffer because of the excuse that the policy supports building a Palestinian state in Palestine? Imagine if Jews were told by European nations that they had to live in 21st century ghettos for as many generations as it took until Israel was established. Not even the USSR - a militantly atheistic country - treated them this badly. Palestinian nationalism wasnt even a dominant movement until the PLO, and like all movements to forma state and get power, the PLO had its share of corruption. But millions of Palestinians have to pay the price, not at Israel's hands but other countries as well. Actualy, arguably speaking the Palestinians who live in Israel proper have the same quality of life as in Western countries such as Canada where they have real opportunities (the singer Nasri for example, whose song is currently topping the charts, is of Palestinian descent). And if they get their own state, there are legitimate reasons to worry it won't be very tolerant of Jews, Christians and will most likely be a Sunni Sharia state.
So I guess there is a point to my whole essay that I wound up writing here. Look at people, look at governments and international coalitions and talk about ways those those governments can work together to benefit the people at large, economy, real infrastructure, and protections for minorities. There are no easy solutions but if international programs are put in place, with a realistic roadmap and accountability, and governments each do their part, we can solve these problems brick by brick. Expecting Israel to do it all alone is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Look at the new geopolitical alliances in the Arab and Persian world because of ideological jihadist threats like ISIS, look at te unprecedented will to disarm Hamas, and start there. Let's start helping people.
I agree with much of what you said. I am fully aware of the conditions Palistineans live in. It is appalling. Look Hamas does have a lot of issues, but you're not mentioning the causes of these issues, namely the continue humiliating circumstances which Israel imposes on Palestineans, the apartheid state which they have to endure, not to mention the terrorist bombings and targeted assassinations conducted by Israel. In such an environment of terror, extreme parties are bound to come into power. And of course this suits Israel because then they can deligitimize the Palistineans even more.
Yeah I take your point. Before 1967 one could hardly make that point but after the 6-day war Israel has inherited responsibility for the Palestinian populations of West Bank and Gaza.
I guess the main thing I wanted to stress is that singling out Israel perpetuates the problems of Palestinians all around the world. It's perverse how the BDS movement and others expect Israel to magically fix all the problems. Egypt participates in the blockade, and the sanctions against Hamas were done by many other countries besides Israel. At the end of the day one should see how policies of governments affect regular Palestinians, and mot just focus on Israel's governent alone. It's pretty clear that Hamas has been terrible for Gazans, and it's sad that they don't really care. When they lost a lot of their outside funding they agreed to a unity government so they could continue to get paid by the PA. They hardly ever have seriously cosidered working with the rest of the world besides Israel on a roadmap where they disarm in exchange for raising the blockade and $50B in investment to develop Gaza's natural gas and tourism industries. It's not like the other countries werent offering such terms. Hamas is just super focused on retaking ALL the land including Israel, an unrealistic goal but hey, they sterted as a "militant resistant movement" and they had to compete for mindshare as the "authentic" Islamic movement that wouldn't sell out. This doesnt serve the people they "govern" very well.
The Arab world except Qatar pretty much gave up on Hamas - Shiite regimes like Assad have been attacked by them and Sunni regimes like Saudis realized that sunni militants are a bigger threat than Israel. They put the Islamic Brotherhood on a terror list along with ISIS and they were the ones who helped back the military coup in Egypt. Egypt participates in the blockade of Gaza as well.
In short the region should solve the problem not Israel alone. All those BDS movements that single out Israel keep perpetuating the insanity imho.
... and the Palestinian allies in the wars kicked almost all of their Jews out, in total more people than the Palestinians fleeing 1948, not in a burning civil war but in cold blood. Just because of their religion.
Those jews from the Arab world and their children compose the majority of the Israeli population now. And as a fun fact, among all the property stolen from those Jews now living in Israel are land areas larger than Israel...
We might go into how all other land losses from the 2nd world war time period are forgotten, except this one. And that it is kept alive by the refusal to integrate the refugee Palestinians by the Arab countries. The Palestinians got their lives destroyed, to keep the hate living. Arguably the Palestinians' allies did worse to them than anything the Israelis ever did to the Palestinians.
The point is, you write simplified propaganda. Please keep that off my HN. :-(
If a foreign power were to begin seizing your land, killing your family members, and bombing your reasonably well developed country back into the early 1900's, I think you might feel pretty strongly about the issue as well.
That's not to say what Hamas is doing is right, but keep in mind what they've been through.
Afaik, the borders were open and people commuted to work from the West Bank/Gaza and there were purchasing trips between the areas. That ended with the second Intifada, to protect Israeli civilians from organized attacks.
This closing of the borders created a minor depression in Israel. Not something you do for fun.
The point is, if you start murdering civilians in an organized fashion it is a bit strange to claim victim status from a much milder response. E.g. when Hamas fired (at civilians!) from civilian areas -- and then complain about the return fire killing civilians!
My university classes aren't over for the day, so I can't yet discuss this at length with you, but I find it very odd how you and others in this thread (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8406257) are using the same
Are you confused thinking democracy implies non-violence?
Democracy means rule by the people through discussion. If the will of the people is to execute those imposing an occupation, then a democracy will facilitate that.
The American colonists assertion of their sovereignty is the textbook example. The British attempted to take over their land through violent force and the colonists responded through violent force.
Hamas did win elections, the one time they were held, but it won a large plurality, not a majority. Also, their charter does not state their goal to be the destruction of the State of Israel, but instead the extermination of all Jews and the establishment of a holy dictatorship, first in the Levant and then across the rest of the world.
democratically empowered only means rule of the majority. If it meant peaceful, non-violent, then the only country in the world that is democratic is probably Costa Rica. It also does not mean a Western Ideal monoculture. While all the things that you do bring up are horrible stuff, and should not be condoned, it does not take away from the fact that there were elections and Hamas won.
If you mean hanging your political opponents from bridges and executing them in the public square, then yeah, Hamas is "democratically empowered".
And the Hamas charter states its goal is the destruction of the state of Israel, not merely reclaiming land.