I have a B.Sc. degree with a major in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Istanbul/Turkey and currently studying my MS degree in IT Management in Golden Gate University. I am an International Student, my school provides both CPT and OPT. I did plenty of elective and required credits in programming, mathematics, statistics. I created one Android Application for just learning. I also create every week new Front-end project and put it into github. Still learning and taking online courses on Algorithms & Data Structures and want to pursue to back-end also. I wrote a thesis about Online Courseware Platform (MOOC) and developed a MOOC web platform at the end of my undergraduate degree and now developing and improving the project. I want to start as a Front End Intern or Part Time developer may be in time I can shift into Back End World. I have the Algorithm Background but at the time I want to work with amazing JavaScript language and see what I can accomplish.
Remote: Yes.
Willing to relocate: Probably Not.
Job Type: Internship / Part Time
Technologies: Mostly Front-End: PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, jQuery, AngularJS, little Android Development.
Resume: http://yunyeng.com/CurriculumVitae.pdf
Email: yunus[at]engineer.com
Github: www.github.com/yunyeng
About me:
I have a B.Sc. degree with a major in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Istanbul/Turkey and currently studying my MS degree in IT Management in Golden Gate University. I am an International Student, my school provides both CPT and OPT. I did plenty of elective and required credits in programming, mathematics, statistics. I created one Android Application for just learning. I also create every week new Front-end project and put it into github. Still learning and taking online courses on Algorithms & Data Structures and want to pursue to back-end also. I wrote a thesis about Online Courseware Platform (MOOC) and developed a MOOC web platform at the end of my undergraduate degree and now developing and improving the project. I want to start as a Front End Intern or Part Time developer may be in time I can shift into Back End World. I have the Algorithm Background but at the time I want to work with amazing JavaScript language and see what I can accomplish.