As a pedagogical exercise, to help me understand the design, I wrote some Go code to read a sqlite database and dump table contents. I remember having to peek at the source code to figure out a few things that weren't explained well in that document.
I'd previously written code to read the lucene database format (python code that time), which was also a good learning experience. I ended up leveraging some of that knowledge for a work project.
And I've also played around with reading/writing git archives.
I'd like to improve the document so that reference to the SQLite source code is not required. Can you explain (perhaps via private email) what the file format document did not describe sufficiently for you to implement a reader in Go?
It was over a year ago, so my memory is a little fuzzy. I do remember that near the end of the process I looked at the source code to answer a question or two. I'll skim over the docs again and see if I can remember what I was confused about.
I'd previously written code to read the lucene database format (python code that time), which was also a good learning experience. I ended up leveraging some of that knowledge for a work project.
And I've also played around with reading/writing git archives.