I think the above is a template that resolves to a forward declaration of a struct type called build_string_impl. It says, give me a size and a type STRING, and I give you a struct type.
template<std::size_t count , char... Cs>
struct build_string_impl<count,string<Cs...>>
using result = typename build_string_impl<count-1,string<c+count,Cs...>>::result;
I think the above is a partial specialization of the above forward declaration. In this specialization, the typename STRING is not a string, but instead a variadic char-thingy. So the 'typename STRING' is misleading. This partial specialization creates a struct type that contains a member type 'result' that aliases the 'result' type member of a recursive template instantiation.
template<char... Cs>
struct build_string_impl<0,string<Cs...>>
using result = string<c,Cs...>;
This is a partial specialization that represents the base case. It declares a template that creates a struct type build_string_impl that contains a member type 'result' that aliases the 'result' of a string type.
Where I get lost is here:
This attempts to instantiate the build_string_impl template with a size_t and a string. But there is no implementation of the template with these types - only for size_t and variadic char. So how does this get instantiated?
There could be a bug on the code snippets included inside the post, sorry. Check the code running at compiler explorer, it's working and you can see clearly the result string literal at the end of the assembly.
The point of the example is: We represent a string as a variadic pack of chars, and build_string is a metafunction that builds that kind of string recursively given a starting character and a size. Inside that metafunction we define an aux metafunction build_string_impl that does the job, we only have to pass the required initial parameters (The count of chars and the initial empty string). The first partial specialization acts as the recursive case of that function, and the second is the base case (note count is 0 in that case).
Where I get lost is here:
This attempts to instantiate the build_string_impl template with a size_t and a string. But there is no implementation of the template with these types - only for size_t and variadic char. So how does this get instantiated?