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"The problem is that in my country you cannot get a prescription without a doctor’s appointment."

Acute viral bronchitis: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_0_9?url=search-alias%3Dhpc...

"They actually do that to make money (see above)."

In the USA, doctors do not make money from drugs directly, though they may indirectly benefit from pharmaceutical "good-will." However, that's more common for new drugs that patients would take chronically, like psych drugs, not antibiotics to treat common, acute issues.

"And the doctor will tell you that it is really necessary. Since most people do not know the field they will believe the doctor with blind trust."

Well, do you really know the field enough to know that it's _not_ necessary? And if so, then why would this be relevant to you?

"Those “similar drugs” are run of the mill anti-biotics that have been on the market for 20+ years."

The standard of care evolves ---as do the "biotics."

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