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Two things have kept me away from iOS: the tiny phone screens and the lack of Swype. I can see myself moving back since I switched to Android from my old 3GS. The Android fragmentation is out of control, the app quality is usually sub-par, and making sure to keep buying a Nexus to avoid OEM crapware gets tiresome.

I also find that bugs that would have gotten Apple mocked in the press and caused a massive outrage are ignored in the Android world. Namely the year or so Google Play Services would randomly lose its mind and drain your battery and the never ending Chrome bug where clicking a link just leads to an immediate page not loading condition (blank page appears and the spinning loading icon stops immediately). Heck, even the new version of Chrome does this. Thankfully not as often.

If either of these happened in the iOS world, there would be a lot of yelling a demands for fixing, as opposed to the current state where serious bugs persist for months at a time.

I'm willing to give Android L a chance before I leave. Hoepfully, we'll be seeing a higher quality of product here.

I am thinking about switching to iPhone 6 after using my Nexus 4 for two years only because of poor battery of Nexus 4.

Unlike some other iOS users' and ex-Android users' claims, I never experienced any significant lags or bugs in the new Android OSes on Nexus 4. I had some issues with WIFI on beta Jelly Bean, but that was a beta release for a reason. The so called scrolling problem on Android never happened to me at all.

I find that gripes people have with Android are the one that's overblown out of proportion. They probably used Android years ago back in 2.X days, and still have a bad taste from it.

Newer Androids are so much better than 2.X days, I would urge iOS users to try them out.

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