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Click and drag to interact, I'm trying to get a handle on WebGL, so let me know if it doesn't work with your setup :)


This is great, do you have a trip report? I've been using Haxe for a while, but have done precious little WebGL.

I'm working on the write up for this project at the moment. The best aspect of the language in my eyes is having a scriptable compiler with Haxe macros (macros themselves are also written in Haxe). In this project there's a macro that parses and extracts the variables from the shader glsl - so rather than the usual method for passing variables to shaders:

  mouseCoordLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'mouseCoord');
... then later during rendering ...

  gl.uniform2f(mouseCoordLocation, mouse.x, mouse.y);
With Haxe macros it becomes:

  program.mouseCoord = mouse;
Best of all it works with autocomplete! Checkout shaderblox by Sunjammer to try it for your self - it's quite experimental so in this project I'm using a fork with a few of the bugs patched https://github.com/haxiomic/shaderblox .It also supports fairly rudimentary shader inheritance which is terribly useful if you're not a fan of the rigidity of shader languages like glsl.

Alternatively, Ncannasse is working on a haxe-based shader langauge, hxsl which when ready will be my language of choice - not least because we'll be able to target glsl, AGAL and hlsl, maybe even Cg with a single codebase

It's beautiful!

The rightclick -> leftclick somewhere else for a pulse trick is also mesmerizing. Great work!

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