You're being downvoted because you're hitting nerves (including mine). Same as if you were to say my uncle was beaten up by a gay person, so homosexuality should be banned. I realize this isn't a fair comparison, but it works as another example of a statement that would offend people by suggesting their basic human rights be revoked (as is the current state of drug prohibition). Why is it anyone's right to impose rules on other peoples' bodies?
Alcohol leads to plenty of crimes, but look how prohibition worked out? Also, in the case of your friend who had schizophrenia triggered, does your friend know that the drug they were taking was what they believed it to be? Likely not. Another side effect of drug prohibition is that it leaves no place for quality control in the underground drugs market.
Alcohol leads to plenty of crimes, but look how prohibition worked out? Also, in the case of your friend who had schizophrenia triggered, does your friend know that the drug they were taking was what they believed it to be? Likely not. Another side effect of drug prohibition is that it leaves no place for quality control in the underground drugs market.