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False choice, isn't it? I mean, the complaint isn't that the public now has sites with massive javascript and related technologies. The complaint is that it has muscled out useful sites that did not use those technologies. And it should be heavily noted that the heavy muscles that have pushed out many of these sites is not necessarily "the public."

Kind of funny to say that on a text-only JS-free site that seems to be alive and well, linking to an article on an old-school mailing list archive site. :)

Oh, certainly. I just can resonate with the sentiment that these sites aren't the majority.

Even this site, honestly, is less than easy to deal with on a recurring basis. (Consider, hard to remember which was the top story three days ago at noon.) Specifically, sometimes I lose a story because I refresh and something plummeted off the page. Hard to have any idea how far to "scroll back" to see it.

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