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> Honestly, I'm terribly confused why all filesystems haven't been broken into these two easily-separable layers. Is it just inertia?

The penalty for doing content addressed filesystems is of course the CPU usage. btrfs probably has most of the benefits without the CPU cost with its copy-on-write semantics.

Note that what you describe (and my initial process) is a different semantic than hard-links. What you get is shared storage but if you write to one of the files only that one gets changed. Whereas with hardlinks both files change.

In effect, hard links (of mutable files) are a declaration that certain files have the same "identity." You can't get this with plain Venti-on-Fossil, but it's a problem with Fossil (objects are immutable), not with Venti.

Venti-on-Venti-on-Fossil would work, though, since Venti just creates imaginary files that inherit their IO semantics from their underlying store, and this should apply recursively:

1. create two nodes A and B in Venti[1] that refer to one node C in Venti[2], which refers to object[x] with key x in Fossil.

2. Append to A in Venti[1], causing a write to C in Venti[2], causing a write to object[x] Fossil, creating object[y] with key y.

3. Fossil returns y to Venti[2]; Venti[2] updates C to point to object[y] and returns C to Venti[1]; Venti[1] sees that C is unchanged and does nothing.

Now A and B both effectively point to object[y].

(Note that you don't actually have to have two Venti servers for this! There's nothing stopping you from having Venti nodes that refer to other Venti nodes within the same projected filesystem--but since you're exposing these nodes to the user, your get the "dangers" of symbolic links, where e.g. moving them breaks the things that point to them. For IO operations they have the semantics of hard links, though, instead of needing to be special-cased by filesystem-operating syscalls.)

You seem to be confusing venti and fossil.

Can you explain further? I am not a plan9 expert, by any means, but I'm stuck at where GP made the confusion. Thanks!

He just swapped the names I think - Venti is the block store, Fossil is the file system layer.

> Honestly, I'm terribly confused why all filesystems haven't been broken into these two easily-separable layers. Is it just inertia

They are. Pretty much all operating systems provides a block layer, on top of which filesystems are normally layered.

Though the block layer isn't content addressed, it's just indexed (store block number 55, read block number 9. etc.)

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