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> Teracopy

I've used FastCopy for GUI based larger transfers, it's open source and can handle larger datasets well in my experience. It also doesn't choke on >MAX_PATH paths. Haven't had problems with it. Supposedly it's the fastest tool around...

The only slight issue is that the author is Japanese so the English translations aren't perfect plus the comments in the source are in Japanese.

But, can it handle the real stress test: filenames with colons?

">MAX_PATH paths"

How does this happen?

Technical debt that keeps on giving.

Today there are N applications. "We can't increase MAX_PATH because it will break existing applications!"

Tomorrow there are N+M applications. "We can't increase MAX_PATH because it will break existing applications!"

Repeat forever.

Any time you are faced with a hard technical decision like this, the pain will always be least if you make the change either:

1. During another transition (e.g. 16-bit to 32-bit, or 32-bit to 64-bit). Microsoft could have required all 64-bit Windows apps to adopt a larger MAX_PATH, among other things.

2. Right NOW, because there will never be an easier time to make the change. The overall pain to all parties will only increase over time.

This article has a pretty nice overview: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa36...

The MAX_PATH limitation can be avoided by using the \\?\ prefix (which also disables some kinds of path normalization, like converting / to \) or by using paths relative to the current directory.

Unfortunately, most tools (including Windows Explorer and other Microsoft software) still don't work with paths longer than MAX_PATH.

It happens on pretty much every network share, especially when you address it with an UNC path ("\\server\share\...") instead of mapping it as a drive.

If you have non-Windows users using the share it's pretty much guaranteed, since they don't have a problem with it - only Windows chokes on this.

Even Windows users manage to somehow create such paths (files) occasionally. Then you need to break out cmd.exe or somesuch because Explorer can't touch them.

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