What a degenerate display of "hacking." Some man (or a group, whatever) gives the Internet something remarkable and a bit historic, but wishes to remain anonymous.
So instead of respecting that wish we have people like this, also wishing to remain anonymous, attempting to hunt this man to shake him down for payment using that man's own creation!
That's closer to repugnance than to irony in my book.
The repugnant thing is that there are a lot of things that are best kept secret, but there is a "hacker ethos" (yeah, not followed by all hackers) to disclose everything. Or at least everything about the other guy. Often enough, privacy really is the main consideration in deciding what to disclose and what not to disclose. Sometimes keeping secrets is beneficial for everyone.
So instead of respecting that wish we have people like this, also wishing to remain anonymous, attempting to hunt this man to shake him down for payment using that man's own creation!
That's closer to repugnance than to irony in my book.