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Analogies. Don't go for the white shark, don't go for Paedocypris Progenetica, go for the Tuna.

Unless a startup has identified a problem, dreamed up a solution and talked to potential customers prior to writing the first line of code, then it is very hard to know which market will respond to your product.

Google was in the Elephant Market (trying to sell enterprise search appliances I believe), I am also sure there was someone calling Deers, ultimately one guy said "Fuck it, let's just put it on the web" then rabbits came through running.

I believe until startups know exactly who is willing to open their waller, they should follow the Ron Conway Way: "Spray and Pray". Most likely you have a product that could easily be tailored to several markets. Your best shot would be to make a few variations of your homepage (landing pages) and product screenshots, and try to pitch to different bloggers/end users per market. Which ever groups responds better (Deer or Rabbit or Turtle), you should focus more time with them.

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