" there's slim to zero chance such a protocol will ever become reality."
Even if you think that, I don't think you should say it out loud. Lots of great things were created because people were dumb and tried to do the impossible. There's too much gloom and doom and I think that's putting people off. Not to say that we shouldn't highlight the issue, just more in a positive light i.e "X is really tough, but if it's done this could change the Y landscape"
WebTorrent makes BitTorrent work in the browser using WebRTC. It's designed to match the BitTorrent protocol as closely as possible, so when the time comes, existing BitTorrent clients can easily add support for this extension and peer with web-based torrent clients.
WebTorrent is already working as a node.js bittorrent client (just do `npm install webtorrent -g` and use the `webtorrent` command), and as a web-based client (though the docs for this latter part are currently very lacking -- working on it!).
Even if you think that, I don't think you should say it out loud. Lots of great things were created because people were dumb and tried to do the impossible. There's too much gloom and doom and I think that's putting people off. Not to say that we shouldn't highlight the issue, just more in a positive light i.e "X is really tough, but if it's done this could change the Y landscape"
Merely my opinion, of course.