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Slightly off-topic but I first read that as LogMeIn, Inc. has acquired Medium and was very confused.

I as well. I'm guessing most people did. Meldium is hard to say even in my head.

I have never personally heard of them, and it is indeed hard to say. I have no idea why you've been downvoted.

Are we as commentators expected to keep up with every YC acquisition?

Yeah I also thought it was about Medium, even after reading it and coming back here.

I was wondering why Medium is suddenly so gung ho about security.

Exactly. I didn't know what LogMeIn is, but clicked on this thread because I read "Medium" in the title...

Same here. Medium posts are sexy :-)

Same for me too, added to the fact I've never heard of Meldium

That happened to me too. I was just wondering why LogMeIn would acquire Medium, and why Medium would take the offer.

Ditto! Was very confused at the application of long treatises to remote acesss!

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