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I wish more states would do this to the large vendors that operate this way. Yes, no doubt, states bear some responsibility wrt project management failings, but time after time I hear/read/see sales promises of "this is easy", "yes the product does X", only to find out months later that in fact, no, the product doesn't do X - what they meant was "once you sign an 8 figure contract, we'll assign some junior developers to make it almost do that."

Perhaps this may serve as a turning point for more governments to bring litigation to bear when things go wrong. In many cases, it seems, more money is thrown to the original vendor to fix their own mistakes.

Hehe.minimize cost extends profit margin.. Im myself before stuck in no end project.reason is they want to follow old procedure.for me,i find hard for gov to changed from cash basis accounting to accrual accounting,the old accountant consultant also jerk...suggest nonsense module.

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