Care to share any suggestions how to accomplish this with a diet that actually tastes good and doesn't require too much preparation time? Most people seem to use yucky protein shakes or huge portions of ham or other bland food and I just can't force myself to eat such stuff.
I use Premier Protein shakes, 30g/shake. I'll say this: when I eat like crap, this much protein is really tough. I was a bad-air machine, bathroom trips all day long, to put it nicely. Once I went to the slow carb diet and basically cut out carbs/sugar, it was very doable to have 3-4 shakes per day.
Thanks for the suggestion - these are prohibitively expensive over here (about $15 per single can from, but I found similar products at much better prices that I'll give a try.
I used to work with a guy who was a body-builder type, and all he would eat was chicken breast, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I guess you have to pick what's important to you.
I think that if your goal is just to be generally healthy, there's no need to eat that much protein.
Care to share any suggestions how to accomplish this with a diet that actually tastes good and doesn't require too much preparation time? Most people seem to use yucky protein shakes or huge portions of ham or other bland food and I just can't force myself to eat such stuff.