- "so your remedy is to cause further harm by sending the clients to jail?" -
The goal is not to imprison men, it's to change the cultural environment which permits and supports prostitution. The sanctions vary and incarceration is not the first priority, other sanctions include fines and participation in workshops in which the clients hear about the damages that prostitution inflicts on the people in it.
- "If there are women being forced into sex then there are laws already to protect them" -
According to a comprehensive study held in numerous countries, "71% of respondents had been physically assaulted while in prostitution, 63% had been raped, and 68% were said to meet the criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder. ... 89% of the respondents wished to leave prostitution, but lacked the means to do so."[1]
- "Why do you feel its necessary to tell other people how to live their lives?"
Liberty is the freedom to live your life however you choose as long as you do not harm others. Clients harm people in prostitution.
-"Who are you to decide whether a woman and a man can agree to exchange money and sex?"
I'm someone who cares about the women, men and children in prostitution. Who are you and who do you care about?
Not that I necessarily disagree with your points but, I'm sure you're aware the wiki article you referenced also mentions:
"Her prostitution studies have been criticized by sociologist Ronald Weitzer, for alleged problems with their methodology. In particular, Weitzer was critical of what he viewed as the lack of transparency in how the interviews were conducted and how the responses were translated into statistical data, as well as the sampling bias toward highly marginalized groups of sex workers (such as street workers) and for the way the findings of Farley's studies have been more generally applied to demonstrate the harm of sex work of all kinds. A 2002 study by Chudakov, et al. used Farley's PTSD instrument to measure the rate of post-traumatic stress disorder among sex workers in Israel. Of the fifty five consenting women interviewed, 17% met the criteria for PTSD, compared to Farley's 68% figure. Farley's critics also claim that her findings are heavily influenced by her radical feminist ideology.
Farley has also been criticized for accepting significant funding from anti-prostitution organizations. She has acknowledged that 30% of funding for a prominent research project into prostitution was provided by the United States Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, an agency with an outspoken policy which conflates sex work with human trafficking. However, Farley has stated that such funding has not in any way swayed her research, in particular its methods or conclusions."
If there are women being forced into sex then there are laws already to protect them.
Why do you feel its necessary to tell other people how to live their lives?
Who are you to decide whether a woman and a man can agree to exchange money and sex?