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Please Oracle make ZFS GPL as Btrfs is. :)

While you are at it, please, make it GPLv2+ so it can be linked with the rest of the Linux kernel ;-)

Or even better BSD so that BSDs can integrate it, too.

BSDs already can; the problem is GPLv2 doesn't let you link with _anything_ else. FreeBSD, for example: http://wiki.freebsd.org/ZFS

That's right, I forgot about FreeBSD :-D Anyway, I still wonder with what other licenses it is incompatible.

On the contrary - GPL doesn't let you link with much that isn't GPL. BSD and CDDL - which ZFS is licensed under - are far more open.

Must we have this flame war again? Or if you insist, can you please at least pack your arguments into one post, complete with competing definitions of "free", and "open", and sneering sideways attacks at the other side's development model or developer personalities?

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