Ah, the good old "there is no PC gaming anymore" argument, when PC gaming is still vibrant. As sehr links above, there are 75 million active Steam users, and Steam is not console-focused. Yet another No True Scotsman argument.
Edit: Numbers from a year ago show that Steam active users (65M) is higher than XBox Live users (48M), and while XBoxes aren't the only console, it's clearly just not true that 'gaming is [only] being done on xboxes these days', no matter how many leaderboards you were on back in the day.
Edit: Numbers from a year ago show that Steam active users (65M) is higher than XBox Live users (48M), and while XBoxes aren't the only console, it's clearly just not true that 'gaming is [only] being done on xboxes these days', no matter how many leaderboards you were on back in the day.
http://www.slashgear.com/steam-users-eclipse-xbox-live-psn-s... (october last year)