The title pretty much sums up the conclusion: "The Red Sneakers Effect: Inferring Status and Competence from Signals of Nonconformity". One important point is that is important to realize that the individual is aware of the dress code and decide to nonconformity.
I wonder... if I ever have a meeting with Peter Thiel, I might appear in a suit, but opening with the line "I am aware that you disregard suits, but I just prefer to use it, i like to be elegant, sorry". Just to check if nonconformity to the nonconfirmity causes the same effect.
The title pretty much sums up the conclusion: "The Red Sneakers Effect: Inferring Status and Competence from Signals of Nonconformity". One important point is that is important to realize that the individual is aware of the dress code and decide to nonconformity.
I wonder... if I ever have a meeting with Peter Thiel, I might appear in a suit, but opening with the line "I am aware that you disregard suits, but I just prefer to use it, i like to be elegant, sorry". Just to check if nonconformity to the nonconfirmity causes the same effect.