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Giant rats, tiny parrots found in 'lost world' (cbc.ca)
51 points by restruct on Sept 9, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

I'm not sure this belongs here, but I found a better link with a slide show while looking for the fanged frog. The YouTube blurb has a little info on it too.


It is sad to think of all this diverse wildlife threatened by human logging. These animals that have never seen humans before don't stand a chance.

As amazing as the find is, I can't help but feel anxious that in many ways it would be better if this was never reported ... I hope thet are left alone.

"These animals that have never seen humans before don't stand a chance."

Apparently, the local inhabitants have visited these areas on and off but not that often... so may be there is still a chance.

Google maps terrain http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Mt+Bosavi,+Papua+New+Guinea... (unfortunately, the satellite image is obscured by cloud)

I keep waiting to see the picture of the fanged frog.

Fanged frog FTW...?

Seconding the request for pictures of fanged frog.

For those in the UK:


First episode of the 3 part series already broadcast and now available to view online.

At some point, someone will import those giant rats into the civilised world. That'll be fun..

Na, they aren't evolved to survive. Humans would off those things with prejudice if they started invading our living areas.

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