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The base pay is the same, but don't they have all kinds of extra pay they can tack on for various reasons? There is combat pay, but I'm sure there must be more than that.

John is correct. There are different types of extra pay, but they don't have anything for tech related jobs.

The allowances in the Army are for things like jumping out of a plane, scuba diving, foreign languages, combat pay, etc.

The Army still has this attitude that if you aren't outside all day, running around yelling at people, then you must not be doing any work. I'm not sure if that will ever change.

You can get extra money for all kinds of things. Knowing another language, certain career fields (i.e. special forces and contracting) still have re-enlistment bonuses, etc. etc. None of the "cyber" career fields, in the Air Force at least, get any sort of extra money that I'm aware of.

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