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If American reservists are expected to become a more critical component/dependency for US full-time cyberwarfare defensive or offensive capabilities, would this lead in any way to more time asked of reserve forces at least until internal military specialists are considered to be on par with their civilian and reservist counterparts?

I'm curious if reservists deemed to have critical skills would be called upon to act beyond an amount comfortable for them, considering that they typically already have full-time day jobs as mentioned in the article.

> I'm curious if reservists deemed to have critical skills would be called upon to act beyond an amount comfortable for them, considering that they typically already have full-time day jobs as mentioned in the article.

Yes, that is certainly possible. The whole "1 weekend a month, 2 week a year" thing died with the World Trade Center. While Reserve units certainly try to maximize flexibility to try from interfering with their reservists work balance, getting called up unexpectedly (even for a period of months) is not that unusual if/when shit hits the fan somewhere.

yes I know quite senior (RSM) people in the UK TA (reserves) who got sent to the gulf for an extended period - though that company does sponsor a TA unit so was fairly cool with it.

>though that company does sponsor a TA unit so was fairly cool with it.

Do they have a choice in the matter? I'm just curious because here in the U.S. companies are obligated to hold your position for you until you get back.

I think there are sanctions (you are pissing of Liz II) and of course it might effect the senior mangers if their name came up for a gong or other honour.

They have discussed making it mandatory for employers to give paid leave to TA members for annual training.

What exactly is "amount comfortable to them?" I'm sure if you sign up for the reserves you're going to be ok to be called upon if needed? Since I think that's the whole point?

I know a reservist that got deployed for several months, so it isn't like it isn't heard of.

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