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Kind of sucks that they're putting their "Deep Technical Reviews" behind a pay wall... I've really enjoyed a few of those in the past, but probably not $50 worth. Could be an opportunity for micro-payments I suppose.

To clarify, deep technical reviews will not be behind a pay wall. Getting those reviews as PDFs however, will.

Content behind the pay wall will be additive and complement what's already there. John Siracusa's going to have a subscriber only chat, for instance, but his massive Snow Leopard review was (and is) freely available.

Oh, that's great news. I must have misread the announcement page. Thanks for clarifying.

right everything is always as it was before, but you get more options if you're a subscriber. There are not and never will be pay walls at Ars for normal standard content.

We'll be doing exclusive chats and some new types of content that only subscribers can see, but the normal Ars bread and butter will be free for all.

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