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The Mobile Web should just work for everyone (msdn.com)
124 points by wfjackson on Aug 4, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 123 comments

I think the Windows Phone team deserve some credit for doing this, knowing that the developer reaction to it will be deeply negative (read: most comments in this thread).

The simple fact is that it works better for Windows Phone users. If developers hadn't been using webkit-prefixed CSS everywhere it wouldn't be an issue, but it is.

That said, I wish Windows Phone IE had better developer tools. Both Android and iOS let you plug your phone in via USB and access the web console. It's great.

I agree. The first release of IE had a user-agent starting with Mozilla and its something all major browsers (Chrome, Safari, IE, Firefox) still prefix their user-agents with.

  Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 2.0; Windows 3.1)
Still none of that detracts from how broken relying on user-agent to improve user experience is. Browsers like Chrome seem to handle features like webp support better with the Accept: image/webp header but even that has its limitations if you care about animated webp or not say.

You can do it on your desktop,


Which is certainly better than nothing, but not much fun when it comes to debugging touch gestures and the like.

This is also symptomatic of the way Windows clients have fallen out of favour with many devs generally. Android people have enough trouble persuading them (and designers) that the world isn't just Apple, but having a toolchain that requires Windows desktop? Instant not-going-to-happen.

Yes. It feels philosophically unfair to complain about, but I want a Windows Phone emulator for OS X. Of course, Windows users don't get an emulator for iOS either, but Apple has popularity on their side.

Couldn't you technically run Windows 7/8 under VMWare and then run the Windows Phone tools under that? VMWare has nested virtualisation (at least on Workstation 10 on Windows, think its there on Fusion or the Paralles options). And given MS give free VMs for testing IE on Macs too, your a step closer...

Last time I tried, no. This is going from memory so I may be incorrect, but the WP emulator required some level of hardware virtualisation that VirtualBox (at least) could not offer in that nested way.

Parallels supports this nested virtualization. The WP 8.1 emulator requires HyperV which Parallels supports. I've managed to get this working on a Mac with a Parallels VM running Windows 8.1 running a Windows Phone 8.1 VM. It... worked, but needed lots of memory.

You can get a free VM from MS to test under IE at https://modern.ie/en-us/virtualization-tools

On the mac, they are support VMWare, VirtualBox and Parallells.

The mobile web is just a disaster all around. I remember when I got my iPhone in '08, the browsing experience was amazing. Most sites were still relatively simple, and whatever highly non-standard tricks Safari played to do things like text reflow worked great on that small 3.5" screen. Half a decade later, I'm profusely disappointed with Chrome's browsing experience on my Nexus 5's massive 5" screen. Even on HN, I can't read the titles on the main page without scrolling sideways at any zoom factor where I can still make out the text. Reddit is better than most, but it still renders the "233 Comments" link text in miniscule text that's impossible to hit without zooming in. Advanced web technologies and CSS layout has turned the mobile web into a sea of too-small text, too-wide columns, pop-overs that are too easy to fat-finger, etc. /rant

I'd recommend ihackernews.com for browsing HN on mobile (not my website). I use it daily, and it's much better than the completely non-responsive HN site.

I'd like to join you on this mobile rant for a bit. Mobile browsing completely sucks right now. Whether it's websites that don't know how (or don't bother) to design with mobile in mind, or websites that do try to design with mobile in mind, and go completely over the top to the point that it ruins UX (Why do we still see websites where you can swipe left/right to switch articles. Does anyone every actually need to swipe through blog posts that rapidly?) It feels like there are very few websites that don't outright ruin mobile browsing.

And even when you find one of the nice ones, your browser mucks it all up by thinking it is smarter than the web designers. "Font Boosting" makes Reddit and several forums I frequent completely unreadable for me. Even on the mobile versions of the sites! It seems to get worse as you go down the page, and after 30-40 comments, the font sizes might as well have been chosen completely at random.

The other day, my phone warned me of low internal storage, and I saw the Chrome app was taking up 225mb of space on my android, and this is not including the additional 100mb+ from cache and data. That's 10% of my internal storage! Could you imagine if Chrome for desktop took up 100GB? /endrant

Mobile websites like ihackernews annoy me in a different way: there is no way to zoom without going into settings.

Basically I think that if a site is made for mobile, pinching should change the text size.

At least this is the case on Android. Perhaps iOS is different.

I second using ihackernews.com on mobile. It's got the UI nailed for this site.

When I first experienced browsing with mobile devices the stand out feature was zoom. Double-tap on a column of text and it would zoom to fill the width of the screen. This (and similar navigation features such as swipe to scroll) made mobile browsing preferable to desktop browsing for me, despite the smaller screen. Fast forward a few years. Almost every website has a mobile version. Three quarters of these mobile sites (it seems) disable the devices native zoom. This makes zero sense. The device with the three inch screen is the one that needs zoom. It’s like the authors of mobile libraries are all twelve years old, can hear mosquito ringtones, and read microscopic text while bouncing up and down in the back of a car. Well, here is some news. People over thirty can’t read your website. The first thing we do when we get to your site is scroll to the bottom for the link that says desktop version.

That's why I use Dolphin and spoof my user agent string (often). I usually want the full site. Your mobile site sucks.

Mostly its the fault of us web developers. We started building mobile-optimized sites, and that messed everything up. Now every mobile-"friendly" site has bloated retina graphics and uses very specific and carefully developed layout mechanisms that abandon zooming, fluid layouts and graceful degradation, because, you know, it's mobile, so that stuff doesn't make sense there. If we'd all just done nothing, the mobile web would be in a lot better state than it is.

(My personal pet peeve is onswipe, the most horrible mobile experience ever imagined, always worse than the desktop site on the same device, and yet ubiquitous.)

For reddit you should use the .compact url. E.g. reddit.com/.compact.

You can also use i.reddit.com to get the same effect.

Edit: The previous title was "Windows Phone's IE starts masquerading as mobile Safari to render pages properly"

Looks like the webkit prefix tags are creating the new IE6. As usual, it's the web developers fault for not updating their CSS prefixes.


Mozilla, Opera and Microsoft have been complaining about this and Opera had already implemented support for the webkit prefixes(before switching to webkit/Blink entirely) and Firefox-OS will probably follow.

I disagree that the webkit tags are creating the new IE 6, after all (IIRC) they're prefixed because the standards behind them aren't yet finished.

On the one side I want to make a ramble about why it takes so long for those standards to finish and unprefixed CSS3 and beyond is possible, but on the other hand - without actual real-life use, how can you find all the edge-cases and practical application to create a complete standard?

Many of these properties no longer require the prefix for most browsers. For these properties having the webkit prefix only, without the non-prefix property to cascade to, is a problem. I recall many demos, examples, and live sites not displaying as expected in Firefox because the developer decided to use only the webkit prefix. If the webkit team were to start removing the webkit prefixed properties then those sites would have even more broken views.

They're initially prefixed because the standard is not finished.

Many of them are _still_ prefixed because WebKit has a policy of never removing prefixed features, even if they implement the unprefixed one. So people feel no compunction about using the prefixed stuff in production, and since they only test in WebKit they don't notice when they're using the -webkit-prefixed version even though every single browser (or every browser except WebKit, in some cases) supports the unprefixed standard version.

Yes. This is down to lazy, short-sighted developers, and it makes me insanely irritated.

It's ridiculously easy to make sure you include all appropriate browser-specific and generic prefixes for almost all experimental CSS features. If you use something like Compass, it's even done for you, totally transparently.

Lazy developers ruin it for everybody, again. What a surprise.

I'm not entirely sure this is an accurate analogy. vendor prefixes solved a need. Why should we be developing to the lowest common denominator?

I think we should also watch out for link-bait SEO headlines such as "Why Webkit is the New IE6 (The Trap of Vendor Prefixes)"...

> I'm not entirely sure this is an accurate analogy. vendor prefixes solved a need.

No. It tried to solve two different needs: proprietary stable APIs and unstable/in-flux specs. And the abuse of the latter forced browsers to drop the use-case entirely and hide features behind flags because developers could not be trusted to act responsibly, so it definitely didn't solve that problem.

> Why should we be developing to the lowest common denominator?

That's not developing to the LCD, that developers deploying half-specified and unstable APIs in production.

Why do you blame developers? The fault lies with the standards community for not standardizing much faster (at most a week after the second browser has support for that feature) and for MS for developing a browser at a glacial pace.

> Why do you blame developers?

Because the fault lies with them and no one else, no matter how in denial you are.

> The fault lies with the standards community for not standardizing much faster (at most a week after the second browser has support for that feature)

That doesn't even make sense, standards work is not "you shipped some random unspecified and mostly broken pile of shit and some other bloke was convinced to half-implement something which kinda looks similar if you squint so let's just call it standandard :shipit:"

Do you have any backup for your arguments?

The problem isn't that developers should be developing for the lowest common denominator. It is that the prefixes are not being dropped by websites even after other browsers start implementing the feature, or it's that they continue to use the webkit prefix for new websites.

It seems to me that vendor prefixes worked as intended. It allowed the HTML specs to be changed (for the unprefixed versions).

True, browsers need to support some pre-standardization variants for now, but this will fade. It doesn't seem like a huge burden for browsers to support older websites for a while, and it doesn't affect new websites.

I disagree. If the tags had been standalized then we would be using them. Unfortunately the standards commity dropped the ball on this one because they are unable to act fast enough.

> Unfortunately the standards commity dropped the ball on this one because they are unable to act fast enough.

These are features which changed semantics and syntax multiple times over the course of their standardisation, it's not like standards guys were slow because they found it fun

> If the tags had been standalized then we would be using them.

Webkit browsers have all supported unprefixed box-sizing since the release of Safari Mobile 5.1 in March 2012. 2 years later… https://github.com/search?l=CSS&o=desc&q=-webkit-box-sizing&...

That query means nothing. Most of those results include the non-prefixed version as well. The prefixed one is there for backwards compatibility.

> That query means nothing.

That query means developers by and large don't care and just cargo-cult through.

> The prefixed one is there for backwards compatibility.

Backwards compatibility with what, fucking Chrome 6? How many of these sites have been tested for backwards compatibility in Chrome 6? I'd bet it's somewhere around "none whatsoever".

Smudge raises a valid point. The presence of both the webkit prefixed version and the standardised non-prefix version is adequate. The problem IE Mobile are working around are those developers who have the webkit prefixes CSS properties, but not the standard no-prefix version.

Chrome won't remove them because it breaks these sites relying on the webkit prefix remaining - so there's sufficient ground there to indicate developers are failing. But it's not the developers who include the non-prefixed standardised version.

Yes, there are lots of developers who don't care - the ones who rely on the webkit-prefix support remaining. That is contrary to the spirit of vendor prefixes - experimental CSS properties that should not be relied on.

Those using both the webkit prefixed and the standard non-prefixed versions are using the typical graceful fallback - one that doesn't make other browsers "unsupported"

Preprocessors often have prefix support baked in. It's not about explicitly testing your site for backwards compatibility. It's about casting that net as far as possible with minimal effort.

No reason to remove them when they are there.

Erm… the query is sorted by most recently indexed, this is code which was just changed, the top hit at this moment is https://github.com/mdilaver/mdilaverins/commits/421298cf9bf1... which is 5 days old.

That's because this CSS is using CSS transforms.

And while IE and Firefox have supported unprefixed CSS transforms for a while now, Chrome and Safari only support the -webkit-prefixed version of CSS transforms so far. So if you want to do transforms, you have to use -webkit prefixes...

> That's because this CSS is using CSS transforms.

Oh for fuck's sake, the query is specifically looking for -webkit-box-sizing, not for webkit-prefixed properties in general.

Ah, I missed that you were specifically talking about -webkit-box-sizing use there!

> Looks like the webkit prefix tags are creating the new IE6.

This bothers me. Webkit isn't some ancient browser that is has remained stagnant for years until google/apple decided to do something about it. Nobody spends hours debugging their perfect layouts in webkit. Webkit isn't holding the entire web back. It's just a poor comparison.

I browse mobile web in mostly firefox mobile, and I don't think I've ever seen a mobile site broken on FF but working on Chrome.

In fact at least Google has taken some steps to recitfy it, and they've stated they're putting experimental CSS properties behind developer flags. If we're talking about the fact that old people don't update old browsers then Microsoft is one to talk with IE7, IE8, IE9, and IE10.

Most of my professional time these days is spent on mobile/tablet websites for a major automobile manufacturer. And there are days when we absolutely do obsess over layout and other issues introduced by mobile safari itself. On the release of iOS 7, we actually probably burned a month working with a bug that we never found a solution to (which, fortunately, was fixed with iOS 7.1).

That last part underscores that we're fortunate browser makers are issuing regular updates (a big difference from IE). On the other hand, with some of those updates come new bugs and (particularly on Android) fragmentation. Consider that by 2006 there were enough people/resources documenting IE6's quirks that it was pretty rare to run across a bug that someone didn't have a good idea of how to fix/workaround. In 2014 when you run across a mobile bug (particularly one from a recent release, of which there are many), it may well be that nobody knows how to solve your problem, and in some cases nobody seems to even know how to tell you to duplicate it across devices/emulators (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23142762/how-to-identify-... ).

And of course, like IE, many developers code webkit-only, even iOS only (and I know why: at the level of ambition people often have for mobile websites and with the difficulty involved in testing more than a few devices, it can sometimes seem like the only way to get things out the door).

IE6 was no picnic, but there are times I think to myself I'd rather be working on the 2006 desktop web than the 2014 mobile web....

I think you forget how bad it was with 2006 desktop. So many CSS hacks. We take our div layouts for granted but if you dared venture away from the standard table layouts of the early 2000s you were in for a lot of debugging for browser quirks.

Nowadays at least I code responsive layouts to target screen resolution, and its gotten leagues better. Sure there's a few quirks in separate browsers and things aren't necessarily ideal, but it sure beats the days of "I wish I could use xxxx CSS property but I can't because only 2% of my users would be able to render it".

The comparison is apt, just not entirely. It isn't a comparison of IE6 vs Webkit, it's of developer reactions to them.

For a long time, IE6 ruled the roost, so developers used IE6 as their development target. Browsers that moved beyond it, or implemented things differently (often correctly) were ignored.

On mobile, webkit rules the roost. Developers use it as their development target. Browsers that move beyond it or implement things differently (by using non-webkit prefixed CSS) are ignored.

I mentioned in another comment that when I think of IE6, I think of the hours spent fiddling with the HTML/CSS that works in FF/Chrome but not in IE6 because of browser bugs that were never fixed and standards not followed. It's why I think it's a bad comparison.

No, the new IE6 :) like back when IE6 was king. Meaning that web developers make their site work only in webkit and screw the rest of us.

I guess it's a matter of perspective. My experience with IE6 was mostly being a teenage hobbyist webmaster way back when FF vs IE6 was in full spin - I remember being proud of coding standards compliant websites that worked perfectly in FF just to have it completely break in IE6, then having to spend hours fiddling with the HTML/CSS to get it to the point where it worked in IE6. Frustrating times.

That's why I don't really see the comparison. When I think of IE6 I think of the hours I wasted trying to make it work right. I'm not currently coding IE mobile websites, then checking it on a webkit browser, having everything be broken and then spending hours trying to fix it.

This is a product of over-design. Stay with me.

What happens is that designers (and product managers) stress over minute details instead of seeing the bigger picture. So developers spend an obscene amount of time fixing iOS and Galaxy specific bugs that don't degrade the overall experience but instead aren't pixel-perfect.

And as a result most other devices simply aren't tested. And instead of allowing those devices to see the site (warts and all) they resort to a whitelist of devices that can see the (QA verified) mobile site while everyone else gets either a basic mobile html site or the desktop.

So the history of every user agent string ever repeats itself. And they get longer and longer. And we've created a horrible horrible mess.

Ever notice everyone identifies as Mozilla first?


Yep, it's a browser vendor's reaction to a developer-tilted monoculture. On repeat.

On the plus side, User agent strings are moving closer to being useless as conditional branches for features. Hopefully, vendor-prefixes won't be far behind.

I guess developers just don't grok abstractions when it comes to the Web. They know their preferred browser, but somehow fall short of abstracting their development to "work on the Web" rather than "Works best in Chrome on an iPhone 5S."

This is just another reason why all browsers (not just mobile) should be reporting their screen size. As in, the actual height/width. Not pixels. Pixels lie and so do browsers, actually.

If I knew that the user's browser was 3 inches wide I could choose a point-based font size that's appropriate. It would also be trivially easy to scale font and image sizes up or down based on that knowledge. Especially if I'm using SVG.

72pt is precisely 1 inch tall (width is variable). However, if I set a font to 72pt we'll see that almost all browsers get it wrong. They are hard-coded to assume that the user's display is 96dpi or even worse (in the case of Apple devices) it simply pretends that the device is some fixed pixel width when it isn't (i.e. retina displays).

Did you know that the CSS spec has 'in' and 'mm' as size options? Yet when you set the font-size to '1in' you will almost never get a font that is one inch tall because the browser is hard-coded to assume that the user's display is 96dpi. It drives me crazy and it will only get worse over time as we get a larger variety of devices.

We need to stop the madness (that was introduced by Apple with the pretend-the-screen-has-this-many-pixels nonsense) and switch to accurate screen size/dpi reporting. Anything else is doomed to crap like what's mentioned in this article.

> As in, the actual height/width. Not pixels.

What does the browser in an Oculus Rift report? What about the projector on my wall?

Perhaps we're more interested in angular sizes, and then possibly pixel densities (again in terms of angular size) in case we need to worry about font legibility etc.

> Perhaps we're more interested in angular sizes

Which is how the reference pixel is defined:

> The reference pixel is the visual angle of one pixel on a device with a pixel density of 96dpi and a distance from the reader of an arm's length. For a nominal arm's length of 28 inches, the visual angle is therefore about 0.0213 degrees. For reading at arm's length, 1px thus corresponds to about 0.26 mm (1/96 inch).

> As in, the actual height/width.

You would also need distance from the user's eyeballs. This is especially important for screens that can be significantly closer or farther from the user depending on the use case. See Google Cardboard. See also larger monitors that could be used as lean-back television displays in dorm rooms.

> This is just another reason why all browsers (not just mobile) should be reporting their screen size. As in, the actual height/width.

That's completely useless, 1cm on a mobile device and 1cm on a desktop are not the same for a user, to say nothing of 1cm on a TV screen, an Oculus Rift (where would you even measure size there?) or a projector (which would require a rangefinder for precise estimation and will probably vary slightly over the whole surface, won't that be fun?)

> Not pixels. Pixels lie and so do browsers, actually.

And you'd expect them to lie less for "physical dimensions"… why?

> Did you know that the CSS spec has 'in' and 'mm' as size options? Yet when you set the font-size to '1in' you will almost never get a font that is one inch tall because the browser is hard-coded to assume that the user's display is 96dpi. It drives me crazy and it will only get worse over time as we get a larger variety of devices.

Before suggested that others read the CSS spec, you may want to do so yourself:


> For lower-resolution devices, and devices with unusual viewing distances, it is recommended instead that the anchor unit be the pixel unit. For such devices it is recommended that the pixel unit refer to the whole number of device pixels that best approximates the reference pixel.

> The reference pixel is the visual angle of one pixel on a device with a pixel density of 96dpi and a distance from the reader of an arm's length. For a nominal arm's length of 28 inches, the visual angle is therefore about 0.0213 degrees. For reading at arm's length, 1px thus corresponds to about 0.26 mm (1/96 inch).

> We need to stop the madness (that was introduced by Apple with the pretend-the-screen-has-this-many-pixels nonsense)

That's not going to happen. Every time some schmuck advocates "practicality > purity" somebody down the road will have to support their "practical choice" and you end up with virtual pixels because all content is completely broken if you use actual physical pixels.

> switch to accurate screen size/dpi reporting.



> 1cm on a mobile device and 1cm on a desktop

You lost me. How is 1cm on a mobile device not the same as 1 cm on a desktop. Yes, they have different pixels resolutions within that centimeter, but the length of a centimeter doesn't change.

Well, unless the engineers are fudging the standard so marketing isn't seen to be lying.

> You lost me. How is 1cm on a mobile device not the same as 1 cm on a desktop.

That's because you stopped there and didn't read the rest of the phrase.

> Yes, they have different pixels resolutions within that centimeter

That's not relevant in any way, shape or form, the issue would exist even if all devices had the exact same pixel density.

> the length of a centimeter doesn't change.

The length of a cm doesn't change, but what you can do with it changes a lot due to different viewing distances: a cm at 20cm, a cm at 80cm and a cm at 3m are very different visual beasts, and so are a cm manipulated using fat fingers, a mouse, a stylus or some sort of laser/ir pointer.

The difference is that they look like different sizes to the user because of the different viewing distance.

The really user-relevant size is subtended angle, not linear size, which is why the "px" unit in CSS was defined the way it was.

It's worse than that, there's the visual effect from angular size and the "manipulative" effect from interaction device.

For instance, because it's used with fat and impressive fingers a smartphone held close to your face (and thus with a high angular size for its physical size) needs to provide much bigger controls (in both angular and absolute terms) than a desktop computer manipulated through a mouse.

And of course this isn't linear as manipulating e.g. a Wii through its remote is also very impressive.

Good. UserAgent-based feature detection needs to be broken every few years as it is a gross abuse (Aggravation; like Rant)

I'm blown away people see this and react with "if we had more of a singular monoculture, this wouldn't be an issue", when the exact opposite is true. Making it difficult/near impossible for newcomers/outliers to operate in the browser space is very unlikely to improve things in the long run.

I'm sure Opera had many reason to cave in and throw away their rendering engine in favor of a webkit fork, but I suspect having to continuously swim upstream against the ever growing proprietary extensions and broken browser detection logics out there might have played a role.

-webkit prefixes are supposed to stash away experimental features until they get standardized, but with the webkit monoculture, they become de facto standard as their implementation trickle through the webkit forks and releases. That's harmful.

Perhaps having faster standard tracks where prefixed features don't have time to become second nature for webdevs, and fostering a culture of "proprietary prefixes don't belong in production code" could help here.

Poor Windows Phone team.

This is a symptom of the ecosystem's indifference to the windows phone platform.

Browser vendors implementing hacks to trick web apps into presenting the right content because web developers have learned that they can't rely on the browser to render content properly.

I think there's a lesson in here about treating your ecosystem right.

I'd actually test on Windows Phone if they published images for Mac like they do with Desktop IE (and no, VMs inside VMs don't count).

It's actually possible to run WP8 under Fusion on a Mac, but MS need to add mouse cursor support: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19402478/is-it-possible-t...

IIRC you can't run a HyperV image inside a Parallels VM because it doesn't have access to the Intel extensions it needs. You could do it via Bootcamp, though.

If I remember correctly, Apple had that same exact problem in pre-iPhone and pre-Chrome days. AFAIK this was why they released Safari on Windows- to allow devs to test on Safari without requiring a mac.

they can't rely on the browser to render content properly.

I actually don't think that's entirely fair to the Windows Phone team. Developers are being lazy and only testing on webkit devices.

I really feel bad for the windows phone team. I totally agree- it's not their fault.

IMO, it's the IE team who sewed this mess.

At least they are accepting it and acting accordingly to where they stand in terms of market share. If you have low single digits of share, this is what you need to do to keep up.

> The Mobile Web should just work for everyone

I wonder if Microsoft had said something remotely similar if WP had Windows like market share and sites were coded to IE!

At least WebKit/Blink are OpenSource and Microsoft can dream of being compatible easily.

Microsoft invented user agent lying when MSIE 2.0 started advertising itself as Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 2.0; Windows 95), so we known exactly where that road goes.

Ah, yes - the embrace part ;)

Firefox OS is dealing with similar compromises with homescreen site icons and the apple touch icons.


Even though sites should be using the standards version the Apple one is still very popular. If you decide not to support it, users just think your OS / Browser looks like crap. It's a tough spot to be, especially considering that its financially in Apple's best interest to break the web.

EDIT: Linked to wrong bug

And that is exactly why web-standards are so important. It's always in a broswer's best interest to break the web.

"In general, our advice is to develop a responsive site that can adapt to the capabilities of different devices. If you choose to build a mobile-specific experience then we recommend looking for the sub-string "mobile" in the user agent string to determine when to deliver mobile optimised content:"

    function isMobile() {
        return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("mobile")>=0;
This is really the best we can do after twenty years of the WWW?

Browser identification is an arms race. It harkens back to the original user agent wars near the turn of the millenium. I think it's unlikely to ever have a solid way to identify browsers. If one is developed, it will be used by (bad?) developers as an exclusion check for their fancy content. That gives other browsers an incentive to lie. I think the whole concept is inherently unstable for this reason.

No. Feature detection (which is also mentioned in the article) is far superior

or do user-agent detection server-side against database of (mostly) known user-agents and take JS out of the UA detection picture entirely.

In JVM land I've had pretty good success with UADetector [1] for delivering device specific content to mobile phones and desktop/laptop/tablets.

[1] https://github.com/before/uadetector

ug, that's already a bad check, but if they insist, why not just:


> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.

Just because the API call and syntax is a bit iffy doesn't mean it's a bad pattern. ES6 will finally have a string .contains method btw (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Refe...)

I'd add \b around to avoid matching e.g. `Immobile/1.0`, the slow browser.

"We are collaborating with Mozilla to record broken sites."

Ah, irony.

Although I agree for the -webkit prefix implementation (this can cause no harm to the render of the web page), I disagree strongly with tweaking the user-agent.

There's some features that simply cannot be tested with feature detection (the HTML5 Appcache and the tel:// URI scheme to name two of them but I'm sure there's more) and tweaking the user-agent might also break some web pages.

I run a website in production where I test for the Chrome & Firefox user-agent to enable the appcache. I'm not saying that IE does not have any support on it (it's actually supported), it's just that I don't have the time to test fully the IE implementation to make sure that the user will have a web page that will be updated properly. So IE will still work but without any appcache (which is not a real issue). If they change their user-agent and their implementation of the feature is not 100% perfect, the website might not work properly.

Firefox OS has a Web Compatibility program [0] where they work with the webmasters of the Alexa Top 1000 Sites to achieve 90% compatibility for the mobile content sent to Firefox for Android and Firefox OS. They use the website http://arewecompatibleyet.com/ to check how far they've come along. The Firefox OS user agent is very simple:

Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; rv:31.0) Gecko/31.0 Firefox/31.0

[0] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Compatibility/Mobile

I really didn't like this part: "...even where this meant we would be adding non-standard web platform features."

For comparison, can someone post the user agent strings from Safari iOS7 & Android Chrome?

Chrome on KitKat: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.4; Nexus 5 Build/KVT49L) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.99 Mobile Safari/537.36

Safari on iOS 7: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11A465 Safari/9537.53

Yeah, I really don't understand the Firefox OS comparison. They stress that IE is now compatible with popular websites, but they don't do a comparison with the popular browsers...

WP 8.1: http://i.imgur.com/wxXof2J.png

FF OS: http://i.imgur.com/o8AZAYf.png

iOS Safari: http://i.imgur.com/uki6KQZ.png

Android Chrome: http://i.imgur.com/AJ6KNRa.png

Why do you need to detect if mobile? Why aren't media queries enough?

Because a ton of people ~5 years ago decided to do entirely separate mobile sites instead of responsive designs and we have now ended up with the mess everyone said we'd end up with.

Some websites have tailored a completely optimized experience for mobile. For example, if homedepot.com detects your device as "mobile", it will redirect to http://m.homedepot.com/ otherwise it will show content from http://www.homedepot.com/. Try it on your mobile device versus desktop and see what happens.

Also, see this article:


How exactly is the mobile web biased towards iOS? I've rarely (if ever) had to use a vendor prefix when developing for mobile. I am using Bootstrap, so maybe they're doing those for me.

Because some websites use user agents to determine whether or not to serve a website optimized towards modern mobile devices, and some of those user agent sniffers are only looking for Mobile Safari. If you aren't Mobile Safari or claiming to be, you either get the desktop site or the ancient mobile site designed for feature phones.

Isn't this basically the state of the User Agent strings across all browsers? The strings are a messy combination of different browsers, versions and rendering engines.

Yes. The more things change, the more they stay the same: http://webaim.org/blog/user-agent-string-history/

No, not all browsers. Here is the one for the current Firefox release:

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0

Does this mean they will open source their rendering engine?

It's silly that all the anti-IE comments are being downvoted. IE8, 9, 10 and 11 are still complete shit and the debug tools are even worse. Microsoft talks a good game about implementing all these standards but I experience bugs regularly in Trident, even when I was developing something specifically for it a few months back. It's a completely primitive and glitchy browser that doesn't need to exist.

Firefox has had its problems too recently, but at least it's open source and they're trying. Microsoft has literally nothing going for them on this front.

Why doesn't Microsoft just adopt or fork WebKit?

The world doesn't need Trident. The case for IE being mandatory in the OS died years ago, and the new direction Microsoft talks about taking embraces open source.

A Microsoft backed browser that ran WebKit (or even Gecko) would give their team a much stronger platform to stand on when discussing standards. It would also close the door on one of Microsoft's biggest black eyes; the stagnation of the web in the early 2000's because of IE.

The world might not need Trident, but it does need multiple browser engines.

Sure. Maybe Gecko and WebKit are enough. At least then the foundations are all open and freely accessible to the world.

Hence why I said fork. Google still contributes heavily back to Chromium.

Funny they should say that now, seeing as how they used to think the web should work for everyone, as long they were using IE.

Interesting. They don't show Android screenshots for comparison. Not the built-in browser, not Chrome.

I thought en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/UAProf Was designed for this exact thing

Anyone know what the IE11 update User Agent actually is, merely out of curiosity?

Before the update:

Mozila/5.0 (Windows Phone 8.1; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 625) like Gecko

After the update:

Mozila/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 625) like iPhone OS 7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537


Sounds pretty desperate. But this is Microsoft with Windows Phone, so, no surprises here...

Sadly, it's complicated.

Read more here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2013/09/21/inter...

But the default is:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

All the different IE11 user agents can be found on this msdn page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh869301%28v=vs.8...

According to the article, they added "like Gecko" onto the ends of them.

This wasn't immediately clear to me as well. From what I can see, they just mirrored their change in IE11 desktop and added "like Gecko" to the end of it.

That was the "before". They've added references to Android, iOS and WebKit.

On a tangent: are they ad-blocking, on the NY Times screenshot?

The sheer irony of it all.

And the title will be changed by mods in 3...2..1...

even though I think it's the more appropriate/non-misleading one.

The title is almost always changed if the post's title is different from the submission's title. There usually isn't a good reason to editorialize the title when submitting to HN, unless the title is something like a "Show HN."

For anyone seeing this comment after the title has been changed, OP's title was "Windows Phone's IE starts masquerading as mobile Safari to render pages properly"

> For anyone seeing this comment after the title has been changed, OP's title was "Windows Phone's IE starts masquerading as mobile Safari to render pages properly"

editorializing or not, i prefer the less vague title. serves as a great tldr;

But it's opinionated. That's the issue - it attempts to colour your opinion on the topic before you've even read the article.

The HN guidelines clearly state to use the original title, though.

if the policy is so strict, why not just automate the title extraction?

why give users a title choice and then have mods (who essentially hand-review all submissions) just revert it like robots?

Great that is going to bring all sorts of weird bugs (because IE doesn't implement these standards exactly like the other browsers).

I wonder if we can just block IE11 on mobile. Not that many people use it anyway.

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