If I were designing secure SCADA protocols, the first thing I'd think of is the ways in which we communicate with submarines. Are any of those protocols public?
Submarines communicate using extremely low frequency radio transmissions to penetrate water. They have a bandwidth of 2-3 characters per minute, so the messages are almost exclusively orders to surface and switch to standard satellite based communications. Oh, and the transmitter requires a very unique piece of land with low ground potential that only exists in a dozen or so places worldwide.
I was familiar with Project Sanguine, but had hoped there were less ambitious public projects I had overlooked (perhaps closer to VLF which operates <30m seawater depths).
After reading about the Navy E-6B aircraft, which trails a 5km antenna behind it to communicate with subs, I had presumed modern 'submarine -> other underwater radios' were akin to large commercial fishing trawling nets - or the really long antennas were packed into hilbert curves and epoxied to the hulls or something.
Anyhow, it seems 'acoustic modems' using 'CSMA' [1] are the norm for commercial underwater ROVs (such as James Gosling's 'wavegliders' [2]).