I was told the following legend about how shoes were invented. A haughty princess wanted to leave her pristine castle and explore the world. But she found the world very dusty. She told her wise men to come up with a plan to cover the world in a lush carpet. The wise men pondered and said that this could not be done. The princess threw a fit. The wise men pondered some more. Then they said "Princess, we can not cover the world in a large carpet, but we can, however, cover your feet in a small one". And the princess was pleased. And that, kids, is how we got shoes.
On a serious note, this does seem like a dumb idea. Why would you create a million corrective devices for the myriad objects in the real world. Why would you not rather create something small and portable that you could apply to all those objects equally?
OH wait, they have that. They're called eyeglasses, I think.