Unfortunately, with such a wide spectrum I'd expect doctors and therapists probably want to 'underpromise and overdeliver', as they don't want to get hopes too high. We've seen people who told us our daughter would be talking by 5, 6, 7 - she's 10 now and says some single words but never sentences. Others have told us to plan for lifetime care. It really depends on the type of person that is giving you the information.
I'm sure your parents are thrilled with your progress and the fact that you exceeded the expectations of so many people. Thanks for sharing your experience.
(Twelve attempts later I've solved HN's captcha and created another account so I can comment again. The old one says I'm commenting too fast despite a few upvotes.)
Yes, and I know that. Better this than the other way around. Then again, from what I heard at least, the doctors didn't mention that it might not have to be that way and that I might be able to do all the things they said I couldn't. That time would have to tell.
> I'm sure your parents are thrilled with your progress and the fact that you exceeded the expectations of so many people. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thank you for saying that. Embarrassingly (but since this is a throwaway), reading that did make me spill a tear. Talking about it in this thread makes it negative; the way you put it makes it not all bad because I know my parents feel that way and I'm doing my best for them. Thank you.
> The old one says I'm commenting too fast despite a few upvotes
New accounts are rate-limited because of past abuses.
> Twelve attempts later I've solved HN's captcha and created another account so I can comment again.
I'm sorry you went through that. I can't do it in fewer than a dozen attempts, or without screaming, either.
The captcha is a service of Google's and is currently borderline unusable [1]. But this isn't Google's fault so much as that captchas in general are just broken right now. We're using them as minimally as we can. In fact, everywhere the code currently invokes a captcha, it used to refuse to make a new account at all.
We marked your account legit so you won't get sent back to captcha hell.
>I'm sorry you went through that. I can't do it in fewer than a dozen attempts, or without screaming, either.
I really appreciate that YCombinator found someone with empathy to work in the capacity you do, dang. In general, there's way too little of it in the online world.
Thanks! I got frustrated after even a newly created throwaway was immediately unable to post anymore on fiber and posted one more comment (that I had already typed) over 3g. Right now I'm too busy to comment more, but thanks for flagging me as legit.
While on the subject, I might also mention that the guidelines ask me to mail info@ycombinator.com for questions instead of posting here. I would, it's just that:
> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
For the record, I never sent bulk e-mail to any address or service. It's really a hard reject and not just a push to the spambox. Google doesn't seem to care about individuals hosting their mail at home (usually I end up in spam, something Gmail users never seem to look in).
Not being able to comment normally and then not being allowed to email you because of a third party (which is too monstrously large to complain to) is quite annoying.
I'm sure your parents are thrilled with your progress and the fact that you exceeded the expectations of so many people. Thanks for sharing your experience.