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OMG! This article is a complete breath of fresh air. Autistic people are considered disabled or retarded but they are not. They are actually quite intelligent. In fact, too intelligent that it gets in the way of social development (or rather WE determine them to be socially undeveloped). Their minds race in only certain directions and leaves behind development in social interactions. This lack of social development overshadows and hides all of the other things they are good at.

Autistic people have a difficult time of inferring social behavior. It does not come naturally to them. The behavior needs to be spelled out and explicitly stated.

Autistic people are programmable individuals, but the only problem is that normal people lack the interface to communicate with them.

I am glad to hear of the positiveness expressed in this article, but I do not like the over-sensationalized title "kids who beat Autism". No one ever 'beats' autism.

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