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I really don't understand why they feel they need to develop their own full firmware rather than contribute to another project like OpenWRT or CeroWRT? Anyone involved care to tell us why?

Its based on CeroWRT/OpenWRT, see here: https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless

Hopefully any interesting new features or fixes will get pushed upstream.

Yea, that's surprising. Looking at their github repo it looks pretty hopeless to backport their improvements into LuCI/OpenWrt/CeroWrt.

To me it would make more sense to either a) help improve LuCI/OpenWrt/CeroWrt or b) educate consumers about which commercial Wi-Fi routers are good/bad from a security perspective. Their current approach seems to do neither.

I would guess that they want the default behaviour and user experience different to OpenWRT's goals.

If UX is a must, then Gargoyle is an option: http://www.gargoyle-router.com/

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