I noticed that if you click/drag the titlebar of the spyware popup to the top-right corner, you can bring your mouse over the close button; if you then release the mouse and quickly click again, it'll close.
For the cases where you really want to be able to simulate a 404, or any other HTTP status code, you should use "httpbin": http://httpbin.org/status/404
I'm trying to inspect the source to see how it's done but I can't really find anything. Just a lot of empty iframes. How do you make something like this?
I find it very interesting that they put a significant amount of work into the BSOD stuff. There are multiple paths there... The dump can fail, it can "reboot" and display something that looks like the Windows boot sequence, etc. Well, I am basing these conclusions on a quick skim of the windows7.js file.
If you click 4 links on the side of the Start menu, it gives a BSoD.
If you click the picture of nyan cat 8 times, it opens nyan.cat in the fake browser.
If you let it sit for 3 minutes, the background turns black and displays "This copy of Windows is not genuine".