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I think we're losing something here.

We're all inherently working within the movie/prop company's framework while brainstorming fake money ideas. The prop company has two goals:

  1.  Make something convincing on camera.
  2.  Make something readily distinguishable from real money.
They've already succeeded! New solutions may be fun, but it's still reinventing the wheel in the end. (Which may explain why programmers are falling over themselves to do it...) But there are two extra constraints that Hollywood isn't meeting with some of their current solutions:

  3.  Make something which meets Federal laws for fake money.
  4.  Make something which could not be passed ever.
3&4 are potentially the same, in that 3 is written to try to achieve 4, but I think it's important to note that Hollywood is (or was, until the recent innovations mentioned at the end of the article) failing at.

I don't think most of the solutions suggested in this thread actually solve 4. I think mirrored, cut in half, and even bills with 'FAKE' printed across the middle could still be passed with a fair success rate, and moreover a criminal could laugh it off as a mistake if they were caught.

So what couldn't be passed, aside from the absurdly large/small bills the Feds want, or the glued together blocks used now?

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