I've been working on a library for a while and I've come up with a way to monetize it by making a web frontend for it. With a bit of marketing I think it could make some money (not a lot, maybe ~$10,000 a year given my sense of the rather niche market) I want to know what are the practical steps you take with this sort of business.
Do I have to form a company? Should I be patenting and trademarking logos and stuff? If I just make a website and start taking payments, what are the tax and legal implications? My library is Apache v2 licensed but I imagine the frontend / service would be proprietary. I heard I should consider switching the library to MIT.
I am planning to move abroad in a few months so I don't really want to start a company in the United States. I've just never created a paid service before so I'm really naive about how to go about it. If anyone has experience here or a good link, I'd appreciate it.
Chances are that this idea will go absolutely nowhere (as most ideas do), and as you're new to this you're prone to vastly overestimating the probability of success and estimated returns.
My advice is to relax, and focus on learning what you're doing instead of focusing on "monetizing a web service".
If you want immediate practical direction, set yourself up with a Stripe merchant account (and whatever is necessary for that), and start selling. If you can't get past this, everything else is a waste of time.