Almost every parent comment so far contains "What's the catch?" or something similar. Speaks volumes of EA's lack of transparency with their customers. They make great games, but seem to have some sleaziness when it comes to the pricing/terms of their products.
I think EA's continued popularity is a damning indictment of consumers. They complain incessently about DLC, DRM, 0-day patches, unimaginative games, yet line up, year after year, to plunk down $60 for the next Madden.
I think the people who are loudly complaining about these things aren't the same ones purchasing the next vers^H^H^H^H itera^H^H^H^H full price expansion pack for the existing game.
I don't think 4 or 5 comments from HN readers "speaks volumes" about much of anything.
People seem to want to see EA suffer for their past transgressions, but wishing doesn't make it so. Online commenters (especially in an echo chamber like HN) aren't evidence of a grassroots uprising against DRM and DLC.
It does speak volumes about people's eagerness to use comment sections to push an agenda.