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Here's a family tree of American Whiskeys:


If you're interested in American Whiskey production, I recommend the book from whicn the article above is excerpted.

"Status" whiskey drinkers are often surprised at how many of their favorite brands roll up to giant beverage conglomerates. The best whiskeys in the world almost to a one are traceable to giant corporations.

Thank you for that link! Here in Finland we only got tiny selection of American Whiskey and that link pointed out that I still have so many American Whiskey left to experience :) And seeing as the Buffalo Trace is one of my favourite Whisky I think I'm not going to be disappointed when I have the chance to try out one of the more "rarer" ones. Only if our local stores had more American Whiskey selection (Eagle Rare 10yo is "rarest" pre-order bottle for 60$)..

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