"Taken too seriously" whiffs of "I'm too good to eat my own dogfood." And yes, literal does mean written. And your writing was a statement backed by arguments, fulfilling necessary and sufficient conditions to be considered a thesis. Pedantry aside, I've got a beef here.
You seem like you want to be nice, and like PieSquared wants to listen. There's a definite problem here, though: I don't like Landmark indoctrinators, and a lot of your phraseology comes from that direction, so my hackles were raised instantly. It might come from having had one as a roommate, so if you're just chattering happily away, my apologies. Landmark is scary enough so that when I see them get around another person, I have an immediate negative response.
Addressing what you've currently said, slowing down (http://www.slowmovement.com, am I right?) is irrelevant, because it still means there's a checklist. School, career, car, wife, house, kids, vacation, retirement, cancer, grandkids, dead, buried, gone. Yes, we'll always be dirt in the end. No, we don't have to march to oblivion. Some of us can subvert this as authentic freethinking entrepreneurs. Not all, but some.
You seem like you want to be nice, and like PieSquared wants to listen. There's a definite problem here, though: I don't like Landmark indoctrinators, and a lot of your phraseology comes from that direction, so my hackles were raised instantly. It might come from having had one as a roommate, so if you're just chattering happily away, my apologies. Landmark is scary enough so that when I see them get around another person, I have an immediate negative response.
Addressing what you've currently said, slowing down (http://www.slowmovement.com, am I right?) is irrelevant, because it still means there's a checklist. School, career, car, wife, house, kids, vacation, retirement, cancer, grandkids, dead, buried, gone. Yes, we'll always be dirt in the end. No, we don't have to march to oblivion. Some of us can subvert this as authentic freethinking entrepreneurs. Not all, but some.