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Blind Reverse Engineering a Wireless Protocol [pdf] (github.com/r-ohare)
37 points by kasbah on July 25, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

"That’s not real encryption! And who the heck encrypts the weather anyways? It didn’t make sense. Why would a company bother to invent a terribly bad encryption technique in order to obscure data that isn’t private? The next oddity was that the last byte is described in the PDF as an “exotic” checksum. Huh? What company would bother to invent their own checksum technique? Are standard checksums not good enough?"

I have seen such behaviours, where two companies' products has to be able interoperable, they would introduce odities in the communications protocol to confuse the opposition and claim the oppositions product is crap...

very cool article, and I did not expect to see what the device was at the end. it wasn't until I noticed the BCD pattern, then I knew what it was.

It was a good read, but as general advice you should start with looking for information about the frequency and device in question. The willpower to avoid the checking for an easy answer was the most impressive part of the writeup. (A week in the lab can save you a day in the library.) Educationally, it is the equivalent of doing something longhand instead of punching it into a calculator. As a volunteer who provides support[1] for some SDR software, the moment anyone mentions "433.9MHz", the immediate reply is "temperature sensor". There is even a neat little program[2] that understands a wide variety of manufactures' formats.

[1] ##rtlsdr [3]

[2] https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433

[3] Which I'm running a small fundraiser for, http://igg.me/at/rtlsdr

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