11" may be tough, but they should have a 13" air with retina display by now. Samsung's ATIV Book 9 Plus has a 3200x1800 touchscreen display, weighs 3.06 pounds, and gets 9 hours of battery life.
It's not about the battery, it's about the portability and the display. A 13" laptop is too big to lug around for me, and the retina display would enhance readability for me (I tend to read a _lot_ on screen, but an iPad is simply not an option for the rest of my activities).
I'm willing to wager less than 1% of people who are full time MacBook Air users will convert their full time laptop use to a Surface Pro 3. And of that 1%, I'm guessing > 50% will be attracted to the Stylus/Sketching capabilities.
You missed his point: retina needs a lot of battery power, so a retina 11" would need a much bigger battery (or a large loss in power time), which goes against what the 11" is about
Upvote for serious. The commercial isn't wrong - I love my 11" Air like no laptop I've had before.
But with iPhones, iPads, iPod touches, and 13" MacBook Pros in my office all being much crisper than my beloved Air, it's starting to feel a bit dated.
It's not just the low resolution - it's also a TN panel. It's just a terrible display compared to almost anything you can find in an ultrabook in the same price range these days.
Which is a shame because I really love everything else about the MBA.
Dated and somewhat of a misfit in terms of pricing. I can get an iPad Air for nearly the same price, but I can't run VMs or code front-end stuff on it (I used to hack away on an iPad at libraries and other stuff that had longer iterations, but these days I need a "normal" laptop).