Why do we need stop lights? I've never been hit by a car, why should the government decide when I cross the street. A car stopping and my crossing is a contract between me and the stopping driver. The government will never be able to decide when is the best time for cars to stop and people to cross.
Maybe we don't: "“Naked Streets” Without Traffic Lights Improve Flow and Safety"
An article in a local Bristol newspaper explaining the effort stated, “drivers will now be expected to use a combination of common sense and courtesy to negotiate the junction of the town’s High Street, Wyndam Way and The Cabstand.”
"Removing Roads and Traffic Lights Speeds Urban Travel"
Another kind of anarchy could actually speed travel as well—namely, a counterintuitive traffic design strategy known as shared streets. The practice encourages driver anarchy by removing traffic lights, street markings, and boundaries between the street and sidewalk. Studies conducted in northern Europe, where shared streets are common, point to improved safety and traffic flow.