| | Ask HN: How to fix recruiting from your known groups? | |
7 points by vsergiu on July 15, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments
| | I got a call yesterday from a friend asking me if I am available for work. I was not and I ended up calling some of my developer friends to ask them if they are available to take on the tasks. They were not, but they said they will ask around. I find this problem often and I am amazed that no one fixed it. I do not always know when my friends are available for work or if they look for someone to help them with tasks and just looking at their Linkedin profile doesn't always mention this.
So how to make this process easier? Is there an app that lets you share between your groups that you are looking for a developer or that you are available for work ( does not include searching for people you don't know or not in your area). |
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Here's one announced just today> http://www.marketwatch.com/story/smartrecruiters-revolutioni...
> So how to make this process easier? The best method is still a bit Old School. On a regular basis, reach out to your network, actually talk to people live, catch up over beers. The accumulated personal insights will be deeper and more profound than a mere online connection.