About 30 tabs total, 3 profiles, 2 separate gmails, a few google documents, a couple of privacy extensions, lastpass, a few youtube videos paused. On a busy day I'll have twice that many tabs open, maybe more.
Chrome does a lot of caching when memory is available. I've got plenty of excess memory, especially when there are no virtual machines running, I'd rather chrome use it and be very fast than leave it unused.
Why is your CPU so high? The video? My CPU usage from chrome without a video play is 1%, and my processor is nothing special.
In Chrome, each tab is a separate process by the way, that accounts for some of the extra large usage. Top 5 Chrome tabs using between 200 MB and 350 MB of memory each, that does seem kind of excessive...
I was confused by your window count. The cpu in Firefox spikes when I scroll a long window with lots of 'widgets' in it. On the very few occasions during testing of a pre-release version of (say) Ubuntu, that scrolling is also when I get kernel panics. Runs about 10%-15% most of time.
Doesn't alter the main fact: we demand more from our computers now than we did 15 years ago (RISC OS and then Win95 in my case)
Chrome does a lot of caching when memory is available. I've got plenty of excess memory, especially when there are no virtual machines running, I'd rather chrome use it and be very fast than leave it unused.
Why is your CPU so high? The video? My CPU usage from chrome without a video play is 1%, and my processor is nothing special.
In Chrome, each tab is a separate process by the way, that accounts for some of the extra large usage. Top 5 Chrome tabs using between 200 MB and 350 MB of memory each, that does seem kind of excessive...