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Understanding The Backbone Mindset (benmccormick.org)
53 points by ben336 on July 9, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Is there a good resource that discusses the goals and pros-cons of the most stable or popular web frameworks? For both client and server side?

Thanks for your review. I have just bought it.

Being able to follow Derick's thought process as he extends Backbone is enlightening.

Just bought it!

Is there any comparison between marionette and thorax in the book?

There is not. As explained in the review, this is a book about the challenges that inspired the author to write Marionette and some meditations on dealing with them. It's not specifically about Marionette.

So it gives a lot of insight into the framework for marionette users, but it also has plenty of relevant stuff for anyone who uses Backbone, because you still have to solve the same problems (excessive boilerplate, managing child Views, communication between Views)

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