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I'm finding all these anecdotes leaving me a bit unimpressed. I installed Snow Leopard on my home machine on Saturday, and since then I have been through two 3~4 hour work sessions with Photoshop with no trouble. (To be fair my anecdote is no further proof of anything, I just thought I'd share for the sake of a more complete picture.)

Agreed. I have to use Dreamweaver every day (so the static HTML stuff I do is usable by our web content guys) and I'm amazed at the number of bugs that make it through version after version. Not to mention some of the sh%&ty workflows that they implement...

True, the anecdotal evidence seems to be limited to certain hardware. Overall though, this is a huge blow to the users that it effects because it makes Photoshop almost impossible to use in a production environment.

Given that there's a finite range of Apple hardware that Snow Leopard is even compatible with, one would think that testing for repeatable bugs like this would have started months ago--and finished before Adobe signed off on CS4 for use with Snow Leopard.

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