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Eventstagram (http://eventstagr.am/) - Full time, London UK - Project Manager

Eventstagram builds real-time Instagram and Twitter slideshows for events of all sizes. We work with a number of notable clients including Ferrari, Nike, Microsoft and The O2 Arena; we're based in one of the most exciting workspaces in London.

We're looking for an experienced, organised project manager to help focus our development team's efforts, keep the clients up-to-date and help plan our long-term development.


- Holding daily development meetings, preferably using agile project management, - Managing the task workflow by scheduling in developers and designers to projects, - Account management, - Managing bugs by creating a system for finding, reporting, filtering, reproducing, prioritising and writing up bugs, - Managing feature requests by assessing, scheduling and checking they meet expectations, - Product Management, scoping out new features through an understanding of the market; competition, product positioning and usability.

If interested, you can read more on our blog or drop us an email at info@eventstagr.am


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