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Ask HN: Looking for C# dev stack advice
2 points by d4vlx on June 29, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I have some C# enterprise type work coming up and am looking for advice or links to good information about what a great C# stack looks like. Specifically I'm wondering what good options are for unit testing, mocking, building, database connectivity, and dev libraries and frameworks.

I have a lot of experience with enterprise Java, for comparison here is what my answer would be for it:

Testing: JUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito Database: Mybatis, Mybatis Migrations Build: Maven or Gradle Libraries/Frameworks: Guava, Guice, HttpClient, Jersey or Stripes, log4j, Apache Commons


Hard to answer this question due to the number of possible answers but you can try the following:

Testing: xUnit or nUnit. FsCheck, Fuchu and FSpec, if you want to try a more functional approach. SpecsFor, BDDfy, Fixie, Machine.Specifications for BDD and other approaches.

Mocking: NSubstitute or FakeItEasy

Database: Simple.Data, PetaPoco, Massive for Micro ORM's. Entity Framework and nHibernate for full featured ORM's.

Build: There isn't a Maven/Gradle comparison but you can use NuGet, MSBuild, Fake, pvc build, etc.

Logging: ELMAH, NLog, Glimpse, Serilog

If you need other suggestions, let me know.

Oh boy, coming back to C# after a couple of years was a total shock for me. Here are some things that come to mind:

Dependency Injection: NInject

ORM: Entity Framework, Linq

Logging: log4net

Package Management: NuGet

Interface between web applications and web servers: OWIN

Ideas, Books: POCO, Applied Domain Driven Design and Patterns

Libraries: AutoMapper

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