One can listen and take notes at the same time. I found that taking notes helped a lot, even though I hardly ever to never reviewed them later. But it helped to strengthen what I was listening to.
The simple takeaway is that different people learn differently. Don't assume what works for you will work for others and vice versa.
I wasn't really trying to judge anyone's preferred method of learning (though I see how I came off that way), just arguing that the "guy who takes tons of notes but learns very little" phenomenon has nothing to do with typing skills. I had a few people in mind from my school days who would practically transcribe each lecture, producing pages of minutes and never putting their pen down for a moment, yet understand less by the end than the stoner in the back who slept through half of it.
The simple takeaway is that different people learn differently. Don't assume what works for you will work for others and vice versa.