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> Every time we checkin to GitHub, Jenkins is called via a post commit hook and builds, unit tests, and integration tests our code as is typical in a continuous integration setup.

Are the tests run against the docker image that is going to pushed on passing build?

> As images are pushed into the Docker registry they are versioned using the Jenkins build number.

Why not use the git SHA ?

Why not use the git SHA?

Because you want your version numbers to make semantic sense. Your entire team intuitively understands that version 4137 is more recent than version 4134, that version 3527 is in the distant past, and that going from version 4138 to version 4137 is a sensible rollback, whereas going from version 4138 to version 4136 is either a mistake or a response to a major failure of QA.

Similarly, resist the urge to name servers generically. "There's something wrong with web-347!" is a sentence that you can shout across a crowded ops war room, whereas "web-" or "web-a781bc23" or "instance i347bd944" are much harder to pronounce and much easier to typo.

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