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That incident was 23 years ago and he did his time for it. He's also shown remorse for it and wishes it never happened.[0] He's a 49 year old man now and he's been married for 18 years. I think he's past that kind of stuff.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btc1MflBSeQ&feature=youtu.be...

Genuine-seeming change of heart and remorse, including demonstrating it in action, is a big factor for me.

I read maybe one piece on Gurbaksh Chahal, but I never saw any remorse. Brendan Eich not only showed no remorse, he doubled down and dug in with his bigotry.

That's precisely why I asked about a "statue of limitations" ... I am curious.

Thank you for posting that video. I hadn't seen it. I'm generally skeptical of any celebrity's "remorse" when they get caught but it does help frame the current context.

The public remorse (even if feigned) matters. The internet would have forgiven Eich if he had publicly displayed regret with his donation, rather than tacitly standing behind it.

I don't agree with Eich views on marriage at all but it was refreshing to see that he DID NOT do what you suggest (which would've been a very hypocritical thing to do) and stuck to his believes.

Lying about a change of heart is obviously not ok. So, yeah, in a sense it is refreshing to not see someone lie about that. However, there is nothing wrong about stating that you had a genuine change of heart if you actually had one. My personal policy is to always believe that but also look at future actions.

Sticking to your beliefs is definitely not admirable, though. I’m not sure why you are claiming that. Sticking to your beliefs in itself is worthless.

If your beliefs are worthwhile then sticking to them is obviously the right thing to do, if they are not then not. You can’t just say that sticking to your beliefs is worthwhile, no matter what.

His beliefs could have actually changed. But I do agree, I don't want Eich, or anyone, to _lie_ about who they are or what they believe. If he really, truly feels the way he does he should stand by it and accept whatever happens... but if he truly regrets it, the way Donald Sterling does[1](I hope), then he could have stated that regret and all would probably be "forgiven"(scared to use this word implying someone needs to be forgiven for their beliefs... but hopefully I'm getting my point across that I agree)

1. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/sport/donald-sterling-admits...

>but if he truly regrets it, the way Donald Sterling does[1](I hope)

Is this a joke, or did you not read the article you linked past the first clause of the headline?

...oh geez, didn't even comprehend that until I re-read it... failure on my part.

they shouldn't have to lie about what they believe in, and they deserve all the public scorn they get for having bigoted views. It's that simple. If they somehow come around on their views and admit it was mistaken and wrong, then the media and public would likely not hold their previous views against them anymore. The taint will have been washed off sufficiently.

Different people think differently. That’s what this boils down to. To some distance in time matters more, to others less (or not at all). Both are valid viewpoints.

But, yeah, of course distance in time does matter when judging someone. Obviously. Not for everything, sure, but for many things.

Informal consensus amongst the masses is not something that has discrete factors like a "statue [sic] of limitations"

He has learned to control his public image sure, but most of his lyrics of music that he has written, performed, and produced (even presently) seems very much misogynistic.

Look, we've got stories all over about the #YesAllWomen phenomenon on twitter currently. All the women asking for equality and stating that they have been sexually harassed/abused/assaulted in some way. Now in this story we have someone who holds a lot of past and current personal responsibility for sending a powerful message of inequality and harassment/abuse toward women.

Seems you are giving him a pass. I just wonder why women never seem to organize anything significant to oppose accounts and portrayals of mistreatment from entertainment sources such as rap music. Garbage in, garbage out. If people listen to rap music enough, they start to emulate the language, treatment and other thought patterns being drilled into their brains (it's voluntary brainwash/ thought programming really).

Oh the irony of the entertainment (and also the tech) industry...

I would recommend including specific examples of lyrics if you're going to come down with a conclusive opinion on this one.

Man, I love Dre, but you really don't gotta look far for those kinda lyrics

"bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks....", I mean cmon.

"If people listen to rap music enough, they start to emulate the language, treatment and other thought patterns being drilled into their brains (it's voluntary brainwash/ thought programming really)."

If young people play shooter video games, they become killers!

"If people listen to rap music enough, they start to emulate the language, treatment and other thought patterns being drilled into their brains (it's voluntary brainwash/ thought programming really)."

You made me login to say answer to this.

No we don't and that's a ridiculous statement. There's rappers who objectify women but that doesn't makes us more sexist than any other guy and you can't just generalize rap like that.

On related news, Battlefield and metal fans are starting to kill people because they can't like something and can't think for themselves.

I second the sentiment. But honestly that dangerous (drugs) and violent imagery is what entertain and excites our imaginations our most base desires.

"If people listen to rap music enough, they start to emulate the language, treatment and other thought patterns being drilled into their brains (it's voluntary brainwash/ thought programming really)."

I think Ben Horowitz will disagree with you, a couple of other VCs as well!

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